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Translating at remote Events (rC3/DiVOC)

This page collects the c3lingo information about how translations work at remote talks.

c3lingo Team Meeting

We're meeting ahead of the event to talk over the details and distribute talks.

Lessons Learned from the original DiVOC are noted in a feedback pad.

The main takeaways were:


Most translations are ende as always. For details always see the relevant Fahrplan/schedule.

More languages are possible, theoretically there is no limit on translation channels for remote events.

How the interpreting will work

The VOC produces a stream like always, but for remote events, the source of the stream is an OBS setup, with speakers and heralds feeding into it remotely. Here are more details.

The interpreters watch and listen to a special low-latency stream provided by the VOC, and transmit the translated audio to the c3lingo mumble server using a mumble client.

To switch between interpreters, since they can't see each other, shorthands like “s?” (switch soon?) and “s!” (switch now!) are used in the mumble chat. This can be extended with some clarification if there is time, like “s? at the next slide?”, “s? if you want” or “s!!”. To summarise:

Signals As current interpreter As standby
s? “I'd like you to take over after this section” “Do you want me to take over soon?”
s! “Please take over now” “I'll take over now”

Details on Mumble setup are on a separate page.

The VOC will pick up the audio from the mumble server and feed it into the stream. This means viewers will be able to simply switch their audio track to the second language in the interface.

Viewers can also listen to the translation directly on our mumble server and its web interface at

Prepare as a translator

If you'd like any help with these, before (big) digital events the tech team often organises practice sessions where they help people like you get their technical setup right and practice remote translation. To see how you can practice by yourself or with a partner, see below.

To be able to translate, make sure:

Immediately before translating a talk, make sure that:

Technical Setup

To take part as an interpreter, you will need a bit of kit:

You can also use software filters to reduce echo (from your voice reverberating on walls and other surfaces) and noise (from your mic or from the ambient sound in your room). See Noise reduction in Mumble or Noise reduction in Pulseaudio.

Try to test your setup ahead of time, so you can tune things for the best possible sound.


To practice remote translation you can either show up for the practice sessions that are announced on the mailing list and on rocket chat, or you can practice by yourself or with a partner. For the latter, we recommend the following setup:

  1. Find a talk to practice with on the CCC Media YouTube (!) channel
  2. Use Watch2Gether to create a room and enter the link to the youtube video there.
  3. Watch2Gether allows you to sync the playback between all members so your source material stays synchronised between all translators.
  4. Join the mumble server as described, find a room to practice in and go on translating while listening and giving feedback to each other!
  5. You can also hit the red 'record' button to record your practice session to review it later.

Get authorised to speak

The hall channels are configured to only allow members of the “team” group to be allowed to speak. As an interpreter, you need to register your username on the mumble server and have one of the admins add you to the group. Do this:

  1. Connect to with your mumble client.
  2. In the channel list, right-click your username and select “Register” or choose Self → Register from the menu.
  3. Contact the admins in the #lingo Rocket.Chat channel or via email, giving them your mumble username.
  4. After being added to the group, go to one of the hall channels. Check the icons on your username: there should be no mute icons when you've not muted yourself. If the notification list shows “You were suppressed”, then you don't have the rights yet. This is what it should look like: