−Table of Contents
This is an old revision of the document!
For Organizers
If you're organizing an event that you would like us to provide interpretation services for, please let us know as early as possible, but at least 6 weeks in advance:
- Event title, date(s) and location(s), and a short description
- Why volunteers vs professional interpreters? (We want to support social and cultural causes, but if there's budget for professional interpreters, please hire them! They have bills to pay as well!)
- Any existing technical infrastructure that exists in the venue(s) or that you have access to, e.g. booths/cabins, mixers/FOH, producing tools, headphones, microphones, signal distribution equipment etc.
- What budget, if any, do you have to cover travel expenses, equipment rental, etc.
- Can you offer food & drink for the team?
- For multi-day events, can you offer accommodation?
Do not make plans with us before you have a firm commitment. We might not be able or willing to support.
We will let you know within a week or two whether we want to support your event. If so, we will start recruiting volunteers. Your chances of getting people to “sign up” to translate at your event go up:
- the earlier you reach out
- if the event is in one of our “hubs”, like Berlin
- if the event is on a weekend
- if you can reimburse travel expenses and/or offer accommodation
- etc.
Keep in mind we are volunteers doing this in our spare time.
What you should provide
At a virtual event
If your event is (partially) virtual, and translators will be working remotely, you will need to provide these things:
- A low-latency audio and video stream of the presentations.
- This can be the same signal that eventually is streamed to viewers, but it must be taken from the video direction system as early in the processing pipeline as possible.
- It should be in a format that can be viewed with common software, for example an RTMP or HTTP stream with codecs supported by VLC, or a WebRTC-based solution viewable through a common web browser like Chromium or Firefox.
- The video quality should be good enough to be able to make out reasonably sized slides and demos.
- The signal could be the program output, or it could be a multi-view of the program and preview signals, plus additional ones.
- The sound must include all speakers, and may contain talkback from the director or similar. If the talkback audio is part of the translators stream, the interference must be limited to the most urgent communications only.
- A Mumble bot that can take the translation audio from the c3lingo Mumble server, and insert it into the program stream. The translators will be speaking into a mumble channel specific to the event (if you have multiple rooms, one per room). It is your responsibility to obtain the audio from there.
- We will coordinate to set up the channels, and allow your bots access to the appropriate rooms.
- A dedicated person as point-of-contact who:
- can monitor and fix issues with both the special stream and the Mumble integration,
- be the communication bridge between the translators team as well as the event organizers and the video director.
At a location-based event
Ideally, you can provide us with the following setup:
- A soundproofed booth for each stage
- Positioned so the stage can be seen from the booth
- Ideally elevated so that the audience does not block the view
- With a desk, desk lamp, and office chairs
- Two consoles for each booth/stage, with the following features:
- Headphone connector (ideally 3.5mm audio jack) to listen to stage/speaker audio, where the volume can be controlled from the console/by the interpreter
- Microphone (ideally) or microphone connector (please let us know whether XLR or audio jack and which voltages) to get the interpreted signal to the mixer/FOH; each microphone should be switchable (on/off); a cough button to temporarily interrupt the signal is optional but appreciated
- A way to manage, mix, and route audio, usually a mixer/FOH - provided and managed by you or people you hire
- A way to distribute the interpreted signal - provided and managed by you or people you hire
Helpful links
- EventInfra supports non-profit/community-run events by providing network infrastructures
- C3VOC is a working group consisting of Chaos Computer Club enthusiasts running lecture recording and streaming infrastructure on and for different chaos events or conferences