
Live interpretation of talks at Chaos events

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Event Prep Best Practices

Before the Event

  • Prepare a checklist for the overall event
  • Do we want to support?
  • Are enough people available and willing to help?
  • Can we get enough info ahead of time?
  • What is the technical setup? (Should at least have a booth or separate room, microphone, headphones, mixer)
  • Whenever possible, go through the listed sessions and try to get extra info on anything that's specialized or very new
  • Align on hashtags and feedback channels
  • Prepare intro/outro speech
  • How many sessions will be translated?
  • How will the audience know that translations are available?
  • Have a clear photo policy and prepare signs to put into the cabin

At the Event

  • Get contact details for the audio techs and program managers (who is responsible for content and translation management?)
  • Do an inspection round to check the setup
  • Do a sound check for each booth
  • Mark off an area in front of the booths to minimize disruptions (people walking, standing, or worst: interacting with the interpreters, very distracting)
  • Prepare a checklist for each session

For each session

  • Arrive early (10-15min is good)
  • If possible, check in with the speaker and/or stage manager. Ask speakers to remember to not go too fast.
  • Check in with the FOH, ideally set up/verify some sort of feedback channel
  • Verify sound setup, ideally do a quick sound check again
  • Go through the checklist (physical or virtual, but _check things off_)
  • Call up the session notes, glossary, etc.
  • Do the thing™
  • Take turns: One person interprets, the other takes notes, adds things to the glossary, etc.
  • Do a quick review after the session - what went well, what was challenging, anything to add to the checklist, anything to feed back to the rest of the team
event-best-practices.1599152228.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/03 16:57 by oskar