
Live interpretation of talks at Chaos events

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c3lingo is going to be interpreting at 38C3!

Here's a collection of all necessary information ahead.

Become an Interpreter at 38C3

Want to interpret? Here's what to do:

  1. [NEW!] Fill out the 38C3 interpreter's form to let the org team know about you
  2. Register yourself in the Engelsystem
  3. Attend the orientation meeting for *all interpreters*: Tue, December 17th, 9PM/21:00 CEST on Mumble at mumble.c3lingo.org:64738
  4. Get familiar with the c3lingo systems for 38C3 (see below)

If you're new to interpreting (or a bit rusty), here are a few more suggestions:

  • Come to one of our onboarding Sessions!
    • Session 1: Wed, December 4th, 7PM/19:00 CEST
    • Session 2: Sat, December 7th, 7PM/19:00 CEST
    • Each on Mumble at mumble.c3lingo.org:64738

Details about c3lingo at 38C3


There will be 3 official, big stages and 2 semi-official ones. We will attempt to interpret all of them.

For the semi-official ones, as there's no space for booths there, we will likely use a system similar to the one from the remote events using Mumble, interpreting in another room. For reference (there will be differences) see remote (but while sitting together of course). In this setup, there will be only one interpreted language, not two

Communication within c3lingo

38c3.1732458750.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/24 14:32 by oskar